The Wedding Of

Design & Preset

30 . 04 . 2025

and Design

Allah's blessings message يَتَفَكَّرُونَ Meaning: "And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives of your own kind, so that you would be inclined and feel at ease with them, and He made among you a feeling of love and affection. Indeed, in that there are truly signs for a person who thinks." (QS. Ar-Rum: 21)

Adinda Mawaria


youngest daughter of:

Bapak Sanusi S.M and

Ibu Jubaedah

dari london utara

John Doe S.kom


First son of:

Bapak Akbar S.kom and

Ibu Siti maimunah

dari jakarta, Indonesia

Save the Date

Wednesday, April 30th, 2025



Plataran Menteng, Jalan HOS. Cokroaminoto, RT.6/RW.4, Gondangdia, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia.

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"Beautiful 💞"
Dee - Bogor
"Beatiful design matters. happy for all of you that want going to married"
Our Wedding Link - Bekasi

It is an honor and happiness for us if, Mr / Mrs / Brother / i. Thank you for coming to give us your blessing.

    also invite:
  • Keluarga Besar Bapak Sujono
  • Keluarga Besar PT Emence
  • Teman Teman SMKN 1

Thank You